Tuesday, 18 October 2011

College Magazine evaluation

1. How does you media product represent particular social groups?

My media product is a college magazine. I have aimed my magazine at teenager’s aged 16-19 or college students. This target audience is not very wide and is focused on the particular social group that happens to be college students. To help represent my target audience on the front cover of my college magazine I have used a picture of a teenager (I have used a medium shot) that is looking directly at the camera. The person that I have used is carrying a folder has a bag. This shows that he is a college student and suggests that he is intelligent. In the background there is a building which suggests that the student is on a college ground which reinforces that the person is a student. The sell lines that I have used on my front cover appeal to college students which helps represent my target audience. The contents page of my magazine also represents the target audience because of the pictures that I have used of college students.

2. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

I would choose August Media to distribute my magazine. I would choose August Media because they are a multi award winning publisher that specialises in magazines. The awards that August Media have been awarded range from best use of photography to editor of the year. August media employs talented, creative and experienced individuals to get the job done. August Media has a reputation for getting the job done and has a very impressive website ( http://www.augustmedia.com/Default.aspx) that explains their company. The products that August Media produce professional magazines that are attractive to the audience and with their past experience and multiple awards they seem a perfect choice for a publisher.

3. Who would the audience be for your media product?

The primary audience for my magazine would be teenagers aged 16-19 (college students). The secondary audience for my magazine would be some teenagers aged below 16. Also within my secondary audience is parents who are sending their teenage children to college. I have chosen parents in my secondary audience because they might be concerned about their child at college and may want to know how to support them during their college life. I have also chosen teenagers below the age of 16 because they may use the magazine to get an insight into the college life and to help prepare them for college.

4. How did you attract/address your audience?

To attract my audience I have used a large masthead to firstly get the readers attention followed my the main image that is a medium shot of a college student that is looking directly at the camera looking happy and holding folders which suggests that he is a college student and is intelligent. I have also used sell lines that would attract the audience such as "NUS cards worth it or not?". I have used sell lines like this because they appeal to the target audience of college students. Also in the main image there is a college ground in the background which suggests that the student is within a college and emphasizes the fact that the person on the cover is a college student. Also within my contents page I have used may images of college students which attracts the primary and secondary audiences.

5. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

During constructing my media product I have learned that the process includes a lot of trial, error and experimenting with the product itself. I have also learned that you should not become too attached with one specific feature of the product. Also technologies like Photoshop are extremely useful, because you are able to layer pictures and text on top of each other which is very useful when constructing the front cover. Photoshop also allows you to airbrush an image changing how it looks completely. It also allows you to change the colour of certain parts of an image and allows you to move parts of one image onto another creating an entirely new image altogether.